Student Services Tutors
We have tutors available for our students to assist them with their Wilco classes. They also assist in getting students signed up for their dual credit at JJC or College of DuPage. The Tutors will also assist students in creating resumes. If a student needs help with their assignments or if they have accomodations for their learning plans, please let your teacher know and they will contact the tutors.
Our two tutors are Mrs. Barry and Mrs. Schroeder. They can be reached by email or phone: or (815) 838-6941 ext. 1007 or (815) 838-6941 ext. 1036
If you have questions on an IEP or a 504 plan, please contact our Special Populations Coordinator for Student Services: Julia Oglesby at
or (815) 838-6941 ext. 1013.