Auto Service
Auto Service (Mechanics) 1
The two year auto service program, taught by ASE certified instructors, is designed to train students for entry-level automotive technician positions and/or preparation for post-secondary programs. Students’ knowledge of measurement, estimation, and algebra, along with a technology course would be beneficial. First year students will develop skills in vehicle maintenance and repair including, brakes, steering and suspension, and will also learn the basics of electrical and engine performance (sensors). Our curriculum follows the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) format. This program will prepare students for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification exams. Students will be required to purchase, a work shirt, safety glasses, and nitrile gloves. Estimated cost of participation is $45.00.
Auto Service (Mechanics) 2
Second year students will continue their training in electrical and engine performance after successful completion of auto service 1. Students will be completing labs involving diagnosing electrical circuits, sensors, drivability problems, check engine lights, and emission related problems. Upon completion of this two year course students may earn college credit towards Nashville- Auto Diesel, College of DuPage, or Joliet Junior College. Students are encouraged to continue their training through an appropriate technical school, college, or university. Our curriculum follows the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) format. This program will prepare students for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification. Assuming students continue to have their tools, safety glasses, coveralls, and nitrile gloves there will be no additional fees but replacement items will be available if needed.
Students will be expected to meet all course goals and demonstrate their ability to perform common automotive service routines within our four areas of content. Shop assignments will be conducted in groups of 2-3 depending on the given assignment and task to be carried out. Individual assignments and hand-on tests will be given for students to prove their knowledge and ability to perform repair procedures. Students must also be able to demonstrate their ability to research and locate the proper information or materials needed to repair the vehicle whether or not the information is on the computer or in repair manuals. If necessary, students can be given more than one opportunity to achieve 70 percent score on their assignments or lab work to pass the course.
Students will learn how to:
- Follow safety procedures while working on cars or in a shop environment.
- Develop workplace skills such as teamwork, or work ethics.
- Apply math, science, and language arts to the course.
- Demonstrate and apply their knowledge of braking systems, electronics, engine performance, and steering and suspension.
- Develop their skills in dealing with customers, and running a business.
Employment Potential
Here is a helpful link for the U.S. Department of Labor about an automotive technician’s earnings, job outlook, working conditions, and nature of work.
Student Requirements
Students will be required to purchase and wear safety glasses, Nitrile gloves, Wilco coveralls, and tools. Items will be purchased through Wilco with the exception of the tools being up to the students for brand and cost options. Wilco does not specify an exact tool set or brand but has a recommendation for the Craftsman 155 PC. tool set part number 935155 or equivalent. Under NO circumstances will students be allowed to wear open toed shoes in the shop area. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in a zero in class participation for the day and repeated offenders will result in removal from the class. Estimated cost of participation is $150.00
Course Outline
Make Up Work
Students will have one day to make up work for each day absent. Students will not be allowed to make up work for unexcused absences.
- Classroom Performance 20% (Test, Quizzes, and Assignments)
- Lab Performance 40% (Hands on work, safe work 77-85 “C”performance including tools,coveralls, glasses, etc.)
- NATEF Task Performance 30%
- Exam 10%
Wilco Grading Scale
90 – 100 “A”
80 – 89 “B”
70 – 79 “C”
60 – 69 “D”
Below 60 “F”
Skills Recommendations
A student who is considering enrolling in the Automotive Technology program at the
Wilco Area Career Center should have:
Knowledge and Skills in these Academic areas:
• Add, subtract, multiply, & divide positive and negative numbers, fractions,
and decimals
• Read and comprehend technical publications involving cause and effect
• Understand multiple step instructions
• Decode words
• Need to write responses to technical questions in complete sentences.
Skills and Abilities in:
• Reasoning and Problem Solving
• Follow guidelines to arrange objects or actions in a certain order
• Notice when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong
• Identify problems and review information
• Use reasoning to discover answers to problems
• Combine several pieces of information and draw conclusions, remember
information such as words, numbers, pictures, procedures, and specifications
• Must be able to concentrate while performing tasks that require step by step
• Analyze ideas and use logic to determine their strengths and weaknesses
Working with Things:
• Determine the causes of technical problems and find solutions for them
• Install equipment, run machines, diagnose wiring problems, and research
computer information for vehicle specifications and repair procedures
• Determine when and what kind of maintenance needs to be performed
• Test and evaluate vehicle or components to make sure it operates correctly
• Determine the correct tools and equipment needed to perform a job
• Watch gauges, dials, and output to make sure vehicle is performing within
specifications obtained
Perceiving and Visualizing:
• Imagine how something will look if it is moved around or its parts are
• Quickly and accurately compare letters, numbers, objects, pictures, or patterns